Statement of Evidence - Part 3 - Statement filed May 21, 2019 (2024)

Statement of Evidence - Part 3 - Statement filed May 21, 2019 (1)

Statement of Evidence - Part 3 - Statement filed May 21, 2019 (2)

  • Statement of Evidence - Part 3 - Statement filed May 21, 2019 (3)
  • Statement of Evidence - Part 3 - Statement filed May 21, 2019 (4)
  • Statement of Evidence - Part 3 - Statement filed May 21, 2019 (5)
  • Statement of Evidence - Part 3 - Statement filed May 21, 2019 (6)
  • Statement of Evidence - Part 3 - Statement filed May 21, 2019 (7)
  • Statement of Evidence - Part 3 - Statement filed May 21, 2019 (8)
  • Statement of Evidence - Part 3 - Statement filed May 21, 2019 (9)
  • Statement of Evidence - Part 3 - Statement filed May 21, 2019 (10)


McCormick, Barstow, Sheppard, E-FILED Wayte & Carruth LLP Jerry D. Casheros, #203897 5/21/2019 1:19 PM Jjerry.casheros( Superior Court of California Alex N. Newsum, #312344 ounty of Fresno By: M. Douangkham, Deputy 7647 North Fresno Street Fresno, California 93720 Telephone: (559) 433-1300 Facsimile: (559) 433-2300 Attorneys for PETER NASSAR, M.D. and ST. AGNES MEDICAL PROVIDERS SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 10 COUNTY OF FRESNO 11 12 GIGI JOHNSON, Case No. 18CECG00556 13 Plaintiff, DEFENDANTS’ SEPARATE STATEMENT OF EVIDENCE IN 14 Vv, SUPPORT OF MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT 15 PETER NASSAR, M.D.; ST. AGNES [PART 3 OF 5 - EXHIBIT 5 Part 2 of 2] MEDICAL PROVIDERS, a business entity Judge: Hon, Rosemary McGuire 16 form unknown and DOES 1-25, inclusive, Date: August 22, 2019 Time: 3:30 p.m. 17 Defendants. Dept.: 403 18 19 Defendants Peter Nassar, M.D. and Saint Agnes Medical Providers (“Defendants”), 20 hereby submits the following Statement of Evidence in support of its Motion for Summary Judgment. — 21 Exhibit No. Description of Evidene 22 1 Plaintiff's Complaint for Damages. 2: Declaration of Bahareh Nejad, M.D. and CV attached as Exhibit “A” thereto. 23 3 Defendants’ Answer to Plaintiffs’ Complaint. 24 Medical records for Gigi Johnson from Saint Agnes Medical Providers. 25 Medical records for Gigi Johnson from Saint Agnes Medical Center. 26 Medical records for Gigi Johnson from Adventist Oakhurst East. Defendants’ Special Interrogatories, Set One, to Plaintiff, Gigi Johnson. 27 Special Plaintiff, Gigi Johnson’s Verified Responses to Defendants’ Interrogatories, Set One. 28McCormick, BARSTOW, WAYTE & DEFENDANTS’ SEPARATE STATEMENT OF EVIDENCE IN SUPPORT OF MOTION FOR SUMMARY FRESNO, CA 83720 JUDGMENT9 | Declaration of Jerry D. Casheros. 10 Deposition transcript of Gigi Johnson taken February 7, 2019. 11 Deposition transcript of Peter Nassar, M.D., taken on February 8, 2019. 12 Declaration from Saint Agnes Medical Center Custodian of Records. 13 Declaration from Saint Agnes Medical Providers Custodian of Records. 14 Declaration from Adventist Oakhurst East Custodian of Records. Dated: May 17, 2019 McCORMICK, BARSTOW, SHEPPARD, WAYTE & CARRUTH LLP 9 By:_ 10 erry D. Cte: Alex N. Newsum 11 Attorneys for PETER NASSAR, M.D. and ST. AGNES MEDICAL PROVIDERS 12 085295-000239 6010796.1 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 McCORMICK, BARSTOW, ‘SHEPPARD, WAYTE & 2 CARRUTH LLP DEFENDANTS’ SEPARATE STATEMENT OF EVIDENCE IN SUPPORT OF MOTION FOR SUMMARY7647 NORTH FRESNO STREET JUDGMENT FRESNO, CA93720TABLE OF EXHIBITS Exhibit Description of Evidenc PAGE bana oO. a Plaintiff's Complaint for Damages. Declaration of Bahareh Nejad, M.D. and CV attached as Exhibit “A” 10 thereto. Defendants’ Answer to Plaintiffs’ Complaint. 28 Medical records for Gigi Johnson from Saint Agnes Medical Providers. 33 Medical records for Gigi Johnson from Saint Agnes Medical Center. 124 Medical records for Gigi Johnson from Adventist Oakhurst East. 687 863 10 Defendants’ Special Interrogatories, Set One, to Plaintiff, Gigi Johnson. Plaintiff, Gigi Johnson’s Verified Responses to Defendants’ Special ll 870 Interrogatories, Set One. 12 886 Declaration of Jerry D, Casheros. 891 13 a10 Deposition transcript of Gigi Johnson taken February 7, 2019. ll Deposition transcript of Peter Nassar, M.D., taken on February 8, 2019. 994 14 1108 — 2) Declaration— from Saint i Agnes Medical Center Custodian of Records. 15 of Records. 1111 13 Declaration from Saint Agnes Medical Providers Custodian 1114 16 14 Declaration from Adventist Oakhurst East Custodian of Records. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 McCoRMICK, BARSTOW, 3 ‘SHEPPARD, WAYTE & CARRUTH LLP DEFENDANTS’ SEPARATE STATEMENT OF EVIDENCE IN SUPPORT OF MOTION FOR SUMMARY1647 WORTH FRESNO STREET JUDGMENT FRESNO, CA 93720EXHIBIT 5ST. AGNES MEDICAL CENTER FRESNO Patient Name: JOHNSON, GIGIFresno, CA 93720- MRN: (FR)-000724913 Date of Birth: = Admit Date: 31/2017 Discharge Date: 3813/2017A Member of Trinity Health Account Number; 029390627-7064Livonia, Michigan Patient Type: Ambulatory Surgery Attending: Nassar MD,Peter TC Care Plan[ IPOC Result: Progressing (Charted at 3/2/2017 08:06 PST by Marquez RNEva 3 by Hung RN, Result: Progressing (Charted at 3/2/2017 07:53z . PST any E Result: Progressing (Charted at 3/2/2017 07:53 PST by Hung RN,. Jeany E) Outcome: Education Currently Received Expectation: Yes Phase: Risk of Infection; Status: Discontinued ‘History: Initiated at 3/2/2017 10:52 EST electronically signed by Hung RN,Jeany E ‘Discontinued at 3/3/2017 09:59 PST electronically signed by SYSTEM,SYSTEM Outcome: Absence of Signs & Symptoms of Infection ‘Expectation: Achieved or Progressing Result; Progressing (Charted at 3/3/2017 08:09 PST by Marquez RN,Eva L) Result: Progressing (Charted at 3/3/2017 05:28 PST by Santos RN, Gracia F) Result: Progressing (Charted at 3/2/2017 08:06 PST by Marquez RN, Eva L) Res Progressing (Charted at 3/2/2017 07:53 PST by Hung RN,Jeany E) utcol Vital Signs (Retrieval) Expectation: Within reference range Outcome: HG! ICT-WBG (Retrieval) teers Expectation: Within reference oe. range Outcome: MRSA, VRE History (Retrieval) Expectation: Within reference range Phase: Pain; Status: Discontinued History: Initiated at 3/2/2017 10:52 EST electronically signed by Hung RN,Jeany E Discontinued at 3/3/2017 09:59 PST electronically signed by SYSTEM,SYSTEM Outcome: Control of Pain \Expectation: Achieved or Progressing Result: Progressing (Charted at 3/3/2017 08:10 PST by Marquez RN, Eva L) Result: Progressing (Charted at 3/3/2017 05:28 PST by Santos RN,Gracla F) Result: Progressing (Charted at 3/2/2017. 06 PST by Marquez RN,Eva L) Result: Progressing (Charted at 3/2/2017 07: 3 PST by Hung RN,Jeany E) Outcome: Patient Pain Goal Expectation: Greater Than or Equal 0. Outcome: Pain Score Expectation: Equal 0 | Result: 5 (Charted at 3/3/2017 09:56 PST by Marquez RN, Eva L) Result: 0 (Charted at 3/3/2017 04:23 PST by Santos RN,Gracia F) Result; § (Charted at 3/3/2017 03:23 PST by Santos RN, Gracia F) Result: 2 (Charted at 3/2/20171 5 PST by Marquez RN,Eva L) Result: § (Charted at 3/2/2017 18:25 PST by Valerio RN,Rizza D) Outcome: Is Pain Level Acceptable? ‘Expectation: Yes Result: No (Charted at 3/3/2017 09:56 PST by Marquez RN,Eva L) Result: Sleeping (Charled at 3/3/2017 04:23 PST by Sa RN, Gracia F) Result; No (Charted at 3/3/2017 03:23 PST by Santos, racia F) Result: Yes (Charted at 3/2/2017 19:26 PST by Marquez RN,Eva L) Result: No (Charted at 3/2/2017 18:25 PST by Valerio RN,Rizza D) Outcome: : Pain Associated Beh-Vocal Expectation: : Cooing, guiet sounds, regular speech Outcome: : Pain Associated Beh-Facial Expr Expectation elaxed face, smiling Outcome ; Pain Associated Beh-Non-Verb Expectation: rious, cooperative, moderate activity level Outcome: Response/Tolerance to Activity/ADL's ‘Expectation ; Tolerated well Printed Date/Time: 6/14/2018 12:37 EDT Report Request JO: 168995964 0000585 426‘ST. AGNES MEDICAL CENTER FRESNO Patient Name: JOHNSON, GIGIFresno, CA 93720- MRN: (FR)-000724913 Date of Birth: = Admit Date: 312017 Discharge Date: 9/3/2017A Member of Trinity Health Account Number: 029390627-7054Livonia, Michigan Patient Type: Ambulatory Surgery Attending: Nassar MD,PeterT Care Plan IPOC ~ Outeo! Knowledge/Application of Pain MGMT Info ‘Expectation: Achieved or Progressing Resul ogressing (Charted at 3/3/2017 08:10 PST by Marquez RN,Eva L) Result: Progressing (Charted at 3/3/2017 05:29 PST by Santos RN,Gracia F) Resul Progressing (Charted at 3/2/2017 08:06 PST by Marquez RN,Eva L) Result: Progressing (Charted at 3/2/2017 07:53 PST by Hung RN,Jeany E) Outcome: Education Topics-Pain Expectation: Analgesic regimen or Benefit of pain control or Common side effects of pain medication or Fears of opioid ‘use or Importance of reporting pain or Nonpharmacologic rventions or Pain assessment i Outcome: Education Outcome-Pain Exp tation: Verbalized understanding or Demonstrated skills independently or Demonstrated skills w/min assist or ‘Demo ited skills w/mod assist‘Plan: IPOC Impaired Skin IntegrityPhase: Impaired Skin Integrity-Actual Incision; Status: Discontinued ‘History: Initiated at 3/2/2017 10:53 EST electronically signed by Hung RN,Jeany E Discontinued at 3/3/2017 09:59 PST electronically signed by SYSTEM,SYSTEM Outcom Tissue Integrity \Expectation: Achieved or Progressing Result: Progressing (Charted at 3/3/2017 0! 8:09 PST by Marquez RN, Eva ub Resul rogressing (Charted at 3/3/2017, 28 PST by Santos RN,| Gracia F) Result: Progressing (Charted at 3/2/2017 0 PST by.Marquez RN, Eva L) Result: Progressing (Charted at 3/2/2017 07:53 PST by Hung RN, Jeany E) Outcome: Incision Edge: Expectation; Approximated or No S & S of infection or Well defined or Pink Outcome: Incision Length: ‘Expectation: Less Than 0 cm Outcome: Incision Exudate Amount: Expectation: None or Scant (Z OKC, Dawon— sea, (pavient/Jarent/conservator/guardian) if signed by other than thepatient, indicate relationship: 3 Witness: ae ae L. et Interpreter: a a ——s 0000600 441Patient Nar : JOHNSON, GIGI MRN: (FR)-000724913Date of Birth: 12:0 EST FIN: 029380627-7054 * Auth (Verified) * “ay Salnt Agnes Medical Center Fras ‘JOHNSON, GiGt , aes MAA 000724013 AUTHORIZATION FOR AND FIN# 020380627-7054 wn CONSENT FOR ADMINISTRATION F STH! 108500-704 (7/08) SAC MY SIGNATURE ON THIS FORM INDICATES | HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION AND AUTHORIZE AND CONSENT TO THE ADMINISTRATION OF ANESTHESIA. Anesthesia, although generally safe, Is not without potential risks or serious complications. Depending on your type of surgery and medical condition, anesthesiologist may recommend general anesthesia, regional anesthesia (a nerve block), or sedation wilh local anesthesia provided by your surgeon, Each different type of anesthesia has its own risks, benofits, and unexpected results, The purpose of this form is to provide you vith Information in addition to a discussion with your anesthesiologist to allow you to give informad consent for anesthesia. General Anesthesia ‘This Is the most common type of anesthesia and involves the use of specific medicines and Inhaled gasses that put you deeply asleep for the entire surgery. The expected result is @ temporary total unconsolous state, This tech nique requires the placement of either a breathing tube (endotrach: eal tube) or a device called an LMA (laryngeal mask alway), ora simple face mask, Both ai you have gone {0 sleep. Anaesthetic risks Include, but are not limited to, the breathing tube and the LMA are usually inserted iter the following; mouth or throat pain; damage to the lips, longue, teeth or olhar mouth structures; corneal (aye) abrasion; blindness, vocal cord Injury; peripheral nerve injuries; damatge to blood vessels or Infiltration (intemal leakage) of your IV; di reactions; awareness under anesthesia; collapsed lung; breatl thing problems; arrhythmia (heart rhythm change) or heart attack; stroke; braln damage; nausea with or without vorniting, aspiration of ‘stomach contents; and . Roglonal Anesthesia This type of anesthesia Is commonly used either as the sole anesthetic or in conjunction with a general anesthetic to help with has pain after surgery. The expecte \d result is a temporary Joss of feeling and/or movement of a specific limb or area. Each block Its own unique risks, but risks in common Include, but are not limited to: bleeding, bruising or local pain at the site of injection; Infection; Injury to the nerve ar nerves being blocked; toxicity or reaction related to the at ibsorption of the local anesthetic used; unplanned Injection into a blood vessel causing sudden arrhythmia {heart thythm change), seizures, or death; and fallure of the block te work, In addition, spinal and epidi lural anesthesia may also cause changes in blood pressure, headache, backache, hematoma formation (internal collection of bl ood), and excessive block requiring the placement of a breathing tube and possible cardiac resuscitation. Sedation with Local Anosthosla This technique is commonly called "MA\ \C” anesthesia (monitored anesthelic care). It is commonly used in simple cases where direct local anesthesia "numbs" the surg! cal site while your anesthesiologist administers sedation to make you comforlable. The expected results include reduced anxiety and pain during the procedure. Although rare, complications include drug reactions, local anesthetic toxicity, depressed breathing, and conversion to general anasthesia. This information is meant to notify youof the potential risks, alternatives, and expected results of the different typesof anesthesia, By signing this form, you acknowledge that you have read and understand these points and agrae to the administration af anesthesia. {2 lV Odio D3Shwey— alifin t Date Time ‘Signdtdro: PAtion/Spouse/Parent/Conservator/Guardlan (IndicateRelationship) —— Se Namoeilnterpreter Number Pile £2549 ® Signature: Witness Date Time If unable to sign, indicate reason: 40042 0000601 442Patient Name: JOHNSON, GIG! MRN; (FR)-000724013Date of Birth: SN 12:00 EST FIN: 029390627-7054 * Auth (Verified) * — Agnes Nh Si SOHNSON, GIGI Fresno,Celtfomis AUTHORIZATION FOR AND CONSENT MRA 000724913 TO SURGERY OR SPECIAL DIAGNOSTIC FIN # O28390627-7054 @ Plas EDU! ENTS 108500-703 (8/13) Pago 1of3 ina <2 Procedure Date: Bit 1. Your doctor(s) have recommended the following me or procedure: lepavosce Ses Oz, OSE( Upon your authorization and consent, this operation or procedure, together with any different or further procedures which, in the opinion of the doctor(s) performing the procedure, may be indicated due to any emergency, will be performed on you. The operalions or procedures will be performed by the doctor named below (or in the event the doctor is unable to perform or complete the procedure, a qualified substitute doctor), together with associates and assistants, including anesthesiologists, pathologists, and radiologists from the medical staff of Saint Agnes Medical Center to whom the doctor(s) performing the procedure may assign designated responsibilities. The hospital maintains personnel and facilities to assist your doctors in their performance of various surgical operations and other special diagnostics or therapeutic procedures. However, the persons in attendance for the purpose of performing specialized medical services such as anesthesia, radiology, or pathology are not employees or agents of the hospital or of doctor(s) performing the procedure. They are independent medical practitioners. Name of the practitioner who Is performing the procedure or administering the medical treatment: Rl Ndars All operations and procedures carry the risk of unsuccessful results, complications, injury, or even death, or cure. from both known and unforeseen causes, and no warranty or guarantee is made as to result You have the tight to be informed of: . The nature of the operation or procedure, including other care, treatment or medications; . Potential benefits, risks or side effects of the operation or procedure, including potential problems that might occur during recuperation; The likelihood of achieving treatment goals; ves, Reasonable altematives and the relevant risks, benefits and side effects related to such altemati including the possible results of not recelving care or treatment, and related to Any independent medical research or significant economic interests your doctor may have the performance of the proposed operation or procedure. Except in cases of emergency, operations or procedures are not performed until you have had the opportunity to receive this informal tion and have given your consent. You have the right to give or refuse consent to any proposed operation or procedure at any time prior to its performance. 10040 a 0000602 443MRN; (FR)-000724813Patient Name: JOHNSON, GIGI FIN: 029380627-7054Date of Birth: SIN 12:00 EST * Auth (Verified) * SaintAg Me ‘JOHNSON, GIGI EC Prone tion Mie OOU72A913 8 mma F AUTHORIZATION FOR AND CONSENT BOT FIN# O29380627-7054 i ‘TO SURGERY OR SPECIAL BMANOSTIC PETERT PROCEDURE/TREAT 108500-704 (8/13) ith @ Page 2 of 3 5, Pathology: By your initials below, you authorize the pathologistto use his or her discretion in disposition or use of any member, organ or tissue removed fram your person during the operation or procedure set forth above, subject to the following conditions (if any): ital eeceeee meeeneeeee Name; JOHNSON, GIGI Address: 33590 COMSTOCK TRL COARSEGOLD CA 93614-9771 Age: 55 Years Phone: 4352296771 DOB: 09:00 MRN: (FR) -000724913 Sex: Female FIN: 293906276315 Race: White Ethnicity: Not Hispan/Lat Admitted From: Clinic or Phys Ofc Medical Service: Obstetric Nurse Unit/Bed: (FR) 2PAR 0216-06 Admit Date: 11/23/2016 06:56 PCP: Physician, No PCP PHYSICIANS INVOLVED WITH CARI ct eeu ew Sew ess Stee = see ease te eran wenwos Attending Physicians: Nassar MD, Peter T - Gynecology, Obstetrics Admitting Physician: None found Primary Care Physician: Physician, No PCP, Family Practice, Internal Medicine,,,,,,Pediatrics, = Consults: None found Problems Active PMB (postmenopausal bleeding) Thickened endometrium Heartburn Allergies amoxicillin (rash) Procedures Printed Date/Time: 6/14/2018 12:40 EDT Report Request ID; 168895965 0000611 452ST. AGNES MEDICAL CENTER FRESNO Patient Name: JOHNSON, GIGIFresno, CA 03720- MRN: {FR)-000724813, Date of Birth: a2 Admit Date: 14/23/2016 Discharge Date: 11/23/2016A Member of Trinity Health Account Number: 029990627-6315Livonta, Michigan Patient Type: Ambulatory Surgery Atlending: ‘Nassar MD,PeterT Discharge Summary Sling procedure of bladder neck Appendectomy TL - Tubal ligation TonsillectomySMOKING STATUS: Current everyday smoker 11/23/16MEASUREMENTS:Last Charted:Weight: Admission 90.40 kg /199 Ibs 5 oz ( 11/23/16 08:07:00 )VITAL SIGNS:Last Charted:Pulse Rate: 72 BPM (11/23 10:40)Blood Pressure: 102/63 mmHg (11/23 10:40)Pain Score: 3(11/23 10:30)MENTAL STATUS:Level of Conciousness: Drowsy (11/23 09:15)Orientation: Oriented x 4 (11/23 09:15) MEDICATIONS ORDERED / RECOMMENDED TO BE CONTINUED for: JOHNSON, GIGI Acetaminophen-OxyCODONE (Percocet-5/325 325 mg-5 mg oral tablet) 1 Tab(s) By Mouth every 4 hours as needed for pain. Refills: 0. omeprazole 40 Milligram By Mouth once a day.RECONCILING PROVIDER(S) 41/23/16 10:26:44 PST Electronically Signed by Nassar MD, Peter T Acetaminophen-OxyCODONE (Percocet-5/325 325 mg-5 mg oral tablet) omeprazole \ tient Medication Histo! ‘active at the time of summary): Do not administer these medications until re-evaluated by a provider at the next level of care. Lidocaine 1% Vial 20 mL MDV (Xylocalne GEq) (lidocaine) 5 mg = 0.5 mL, Subcut, Inject, preop, x 30 Day(s) COMMENTS & SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: for IV start Acetaminophen 325 mg Tab (Tylenol GEq) (Tylenol*) 650 mg = 2 Tab, PO, Tab, Once, PRN, Pain - Mild Printed Date/Time: 6/14/2016 12:40 EDT Report Request ID; 168995965 0000612 453ST. AGNES MEDICAL CENTER FRESNO Patient Name: JOHNSON, GIGIFresno, CA 93720- MRN: (FR)-000724913 Date of Birth: i Admit Date: 11/23/2016 Discharge Date: 19/23/2016A Member of Trinlly Health ‘Account Number: 029390827-6315Livonla, Michigan Patient Type: Ambulatory Surgery Attending: Nassar MD,Peter T Discharge Summary COMMENTS & SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: in PACU ONLY. When able to take PO meds. *** Maximum 4 Gm Acetaminophen/Day for Adults “**OxyCODONE/Acetaminophen 5 mg/325 mg Tab (Percocet GEq) (Percocet 5 mg/325 mg") 4 Tab, PO, Tab, Q4h, x 2 Time(s)/Dose(s), PRN Pain - Moderate COMMENTS & SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: in PACU ONLY. When taking PO meds and no longer receiving IV meds, *** Maximum 4 Gm Acetaminophen/Day for Adults ***FentaNYL 50 meg/mL Inj 2 mL (Sublimaze GEq) (Sublimaze*) 25 meg = 0.5 mL, IV Push, Inject, Q5min, PRN, Paln - Moderate, x 10 Time(s)/Dase(s) COMMENTS & SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: in PACU ONLY. ‘st choice for moderate pain while NPO. if max cumulative Fentanyl dose of 250 meg Is reached, may use HYDROmorphone (Dilaudid) as a 2nd choice 5 min after last Fentanyl dose given.FentaNYL 50 meg/mL Inj 2 mL (Sublimaze GEq) (Sublimaze") 50 meg = 1 mL, IV Push, Inject, QSmin, PRN, Pain - Severe, x 5 Time(s)/Dose(s) Last Dose: 11/23/16 10:38:00 COMMENTS & SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: in PACU ONLY. ‘st choice for severe pain, If max cumulative Fentanyl dose of 250 meg is reached, may use 1YDROmorphone (Dilaudid) as a 2nd choice 5 min after last Fentanyl dose given. EPHEDrine 50 mg/mL Vial 1 mL (EPHEDrine Inj‘) 10 mg = 0.2 mL, IV Push, Inject, QSmin, PRN, See Comments, x 2 Time(s)/Dose(s) COMMENTS & SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: in PACU ONLY for hypotension, SBP less than 85. Hold for HR greater than 100. HydrALAZINE 20 mg/mL Vial 1 mL (Apresoline GEq) (Apresoline Inj’) & mg = 0.25 mL, IV Push, Inject, Once, PRN, See Comments COMMENTS & SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: in PACU ONLY. 2nd choice for hypertension, SBP greater than 180 and/or DBP greater than 100, if Labetalol ineffective after maximum cumulative dose has been given. Labetalol 5 mg/mL Vial 20 mL (Trandate GEq) (Labetalol (Tr randate/Normodyne)*) 5 mg =1 mL, IV Push, Inject, Q5min, PRN, See Comments, x 6 Printed Date/Time: 6/14/2018 12:40 EDT Report Request ID: 168995965 0000613 454ST. AGNES MEDICAL CENTER FRESNO Patient Name: JOHNSON, GIG!Fresno, CA 83720- MRN: (FR)-000724013 Date of Birth: = Admit Date: 111232018 Discharge Date: 11/23/2018A Member of Trinity Health Account Number: 029300627-6315Livonia, Michigan Patient Type: Ambulalory Surgery Aitending: Nassar MD,Peter TL Discharge Summary Time(s)/Dose(s) COMMENTS & SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: in PACU ONLY, ‘st choice for hypertension. PRN SBP Greater than 180 and/or DBP Greater than 100, Hold for HR less than 60.DiphenhydrAMINE 50 mg/mL Vial 1 mL (Benadryl GEq) (Benadryl Inj*) 25 mg = 0.5 mL, IV Push, Inject, Once, PRN, See Comments COMMENTS & SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: in PACU ONLY, PRN for itching/pruritts. Administer at 25 mg/min IVNaloxone 0.4 mg/mL Vial 1 mL (Narcan GEq) (Narcan*) 0.04 mg = 0.1 mL, IV Push, Inject, Qimin, PRN, See Comments, x 10 Time(s)/Dose(s) COMMENTS & SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: PRN for RR less than 8, periods of apnea, failure to arouse, or a RASS score equal to or fess than -2. May repeat at 1 min intervals up to a total of 10 doses or 0.4 mg. In PACU ONLY. Meperidine 25 mg/mL Syringe 1 mL (Demerol GEq) (Demerol Inj*) 42.5 mg = 0.5 mL, IV Push, Inject, Q5min, PRN, See Comments, x 4 Time(s)/Dose(s) COMMENTS & SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: in PACU ONLY for shivering in PACU Ondansetron 2 mg/mL Inj 2 mL (Zofran GEq) {Ondansetron Inj) 4mg=2 mL, lV Push, Inject, Q6h, PRN, Nausea/Vomiting Last Dose; 11/23/16 10:36:00 COMMENTS & SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: ‘st choice for nausea/vomiting. Administer over 2 min. ODT) Ondansetron ODT 4 mg Sol Tab (Zofran ODT GEq) (Ondansetron 4 mg = 1 Tab, PO, Tab Sol, Once, PRN, Nausea/Vo riting COMMENTS & SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: Give Ondansetron (Zofran) PO if patient has nausea/vomiting after IV has been discontinued, Promethazine (Promethazine IVPB) 12,5 mg = 0.5 mL, IVPB, QSh, PRN, Nausea/Vomiting COMMENTS & SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: 2nd choice for nausea/vomiting. Administer if Ondansetron (Zofran) ineffective after 5 min. Administer over 15 min. Printed Date/Time: 6/14/2018 12:40 EDT Report Request ID: 168995965 0000614 455ST. AGNES MEDICAL CENTER FRESNO Patient Name: JOHNSON, GIGIFresno, CA 83720- MRN: (FR)-000724913 Date of Birth: mz Admit Date; 11/23/2016 Discharge Date: 14/23/2016A Member of Trinity Health Account Number: 029380627-6315.Livonla, Michigan Patient Type: Ambulatory Surgery Attending: Nassar MD,PeterT[ Discharge SummaryAcetaminophen 325 mg Tab (Tylenol GEq) (Tylenol*) 650 mg = 2 Tab, PO, Tab, Q4h, PRN, Pain-Mild/Fever greater than 100. 4 (38C) COMMENTS & SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: Maximum daily dose acetaminophen 4 gramsFentaNYL 50 meg/mL Inj 2 mL (Sublimaze GEq) (Sublimaze*) 50 meg = 1 mL, IV Push, Inject, Q2h, PRN, See Comments COMMENTS & SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: May repeat every 5 minutes as needed for moderate pain. Maximum cumulative dose 100 mog.Ondansetron 2 mg/mL Inj 2 mL (Zofran GEq) (Zofran Inj*) 4 mg = 2 mL, lV Push, Inject, Q6h, PRN, See Comments COMMENTS & SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: PRN nausea/vomiting. If ineffective, alternate with either Prochlorperazine OR Promethazine and other antiemetics as ordered, Metoclopramide 5 mg/mL Vial 2 mL (Reglan GEq) (Reglan Inj*) 10 mg = 2 mL, IV Push, Inject, Qh, PRN, Nausea/Vomiting Lactated Ringers 1,000 mL 1,000 mL, 20 mt/hr, IV, x 12 hr, 1,000 mL, Infusion, 89.971 kg Last Dose: 11/23/16 08:45:00 COMMENTS & SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: preop Dextrose 5% in Lactated Ringers 1000 mL 1,000 ml, 128 mL/hr, IV,, 1,000 mL, Infusion, 90.4 kg INACTIVE MEDICATIONS GIVEN IN THE LAST 36 HOURS: Medications Discontinued or Completed in the last 36 hours: Dexamethasone Sodium Phosphate 4 mg/mL Vial 1 mL (Decadron GEq) 4mg=1 mL, IV, Inject, Once Last Dose: 11/23/16 10:16:00 COMMENTS & SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: 4mg/1mL Dose/Total Volume (Anesthesia) Ondansetron 2 mg/mL Inj 2 mL (Zofran GEq) 4mg=2mL, IV, Inject, Once Last Dose: 11/23/16 10:16:00 Printed Date/Time: 6/14/2018 12:40 EDT Report Request ID: 168995985 0000615 456ST. AGNES MEDICAL CENTER FRESNO Patient Name: JOHNSON, GIGIFresno, CA 93720- MRN: (FR)-000724913 Date of Birth: a Admit Date: 11/23/2016 Discharge Date: 11/23/2016A Member of Trinity Health Account Number: 029390827-6315Livonia, Michigan Patient Type: Ambulatory Surgery Attending: Nassar MD Peter T eas Discharge Summary _] COMMENTS & SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: 4mg/2mL Dose/Total Volume (Anesthesia)Lidocaine 2% Vial § mL PF (Xylocaine GEq) 40 mg =2 mL, IV, Inject, Once Last Dose: 11/23/16 09:50:00 COMMENTS & SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: 40mg/2mL Dose/Total Volume (Anesthesia)Propofol 10 mg/mL Vial 20 mL (Diprivan GEq) 200 mg = 20 mL, IV, Inject, Once Last Dose: 11/23/16 09:50:00 COMMENTS & SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: 200mg/20mL Dose/Total Volume (Anesthesia)Midazolam 1 mg/mL Vial 2 mL (Versed GEq) 2mg = 2 mL, IV, Inject, Once Last Dose: 11/23/16 09:46:00 COMMENTS & SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: 2mg/2mL Dose/Total Volume (Anesthesia)FentaNYL 50 meg/mL Inj 2 mL (Sublimaze GEq) 100 meg = 2 mL, lV, Inject, Once Last Dose: 11/23/16 09:46:00 COMMENTS & SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: 100meg/2mL Dose/Total Volume (Anesthesia)Dexamethasone Sodium Phosphate 4 mg/mL Vial 1 mL (Decadron GEq) 4mg=1 mL, IV, Inject, Once Last Dose: 11/23/16 09:46:00 COMMENTS & SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: 4mg/1mL Dose/Total Volume (Anesthesia)Metoclopramide § mg/mL Vial 2 mL (Reglan GEq) 10 mg = 2 mL, IV, Inject, Once Last Dose: 11/23/16 09:46:00 COMMENTS & SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS; 10mg/2mL Dose/Total Volume (Anesthesia)Glycopyrrolate 0.2 mg/mL Vial 1 mL (Rebinul GEq) 0.2 mg = 1 mL, IV, Inject, Once Last Dose: 11/23/16 09:46:00 COMMENTS & SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: 0.2mg/1mL Dose/Total Volume (Anesthesia) Lactated Ringers 1000 mL IV, 700 mL, Infusion, Once Last Dose: 11/23/16 10:32:00 Printed Date/Time: 6/14/2018 12:40 EDT Report Request ID: 166995965 0000616 457ST, AGNES MEDICAL CENTER FRESNO Patient Name: JOHNSON, GIGIFresno, CA 93720- MRN: {FR)-000724913 Date of Birth: — Admit Date: 11/23/2016 Discharge Date: 14/2312016 A Member of Trinity Health Account Number: 028300627-6315 Livonia, Michigan Patlent Type: Ambulatory Surgery Altending: Nassar MD,Peter T| Discharge Summary FOLLOW-UP APPOINTMENTS: Provider: Specialty: Address: Date: Peter T Nassar MD Obstetrics; Gynecology 6121 North Thesta Six Weeks

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Jul 10, 2024 |21CECG03472

Re: Clark v. Prichard, Sr., et al. Superior Court Case No. 21CECG03472Hearing Date: July 10, 2024 (Dept. 503)Motion: Defendants’ Motion for Summary JudgmentTentative Ruling: To grant the motion for summary judgment on behalf of all defendants. (Code Civ.Proc., § 437c, subd. (c).) Within five days of service of the order defendants shall submitto this court a proposed judgment consistent with this summary judgment ruling.Explanation: The First Amended Complaint alleges that on or about November 6, 2020, Plaintiff,a minor, was a guest at the home of defendants Jason Mengior Pritchard Sr., Jason M.Pritchard II (“Jason II”), David Garrett and Desiree Garrett. Defendants allegedly gavealcoholic beverages to plaintiff and provided more alcohol after plaintiff was obviouslyintoxicated. Plaintiff left the location, apparently on foot, and was struck by a car. The parties are all in agreement that plaintiff’s negligence claim relies onapplicability of the exception of Civil Code section 1714, subdivision (d), to the social hostimmunity set forth in section 1714.1 Plaintiff must plead and prove as to each defendantthat: (1) defendant is a parent, guardian, or another adult; (2) defendant knowinglyfurnished alcoholic beverages; (3) at defendant’s residence; (4) to a person defendantknew or should have known was under 21 years of age; and (5) defendant’s furnishing ofalcoholic beverages to the minor was a proximate cause of injury to the underageperson. (See, Civ. Code § 1714, subd. (d)(1).) A moving defendant “has two means by which to shift the burden of proof undersubdivision (o)(2) of section 437c to the plaintiff to produce evidence creating a triableissue of fact. The defendant may rely upon factually insufficient discovery responses bythe plaintiff to show that the plaintiff cannot establish an essential element of the causeof action sued upon. Alternatively, the defendant may utilize the tried and true techniqueof negating (‘disproving’) an essential element of the plaintiff’s cause of action.”(Brantley v. Pisaro (1996) 42 Cal.App.4th 1592, 1598, citations omitted.) Defendants take both approaches. The court need not address the argumentsrelating to plaintiff’s allegedly factually devoid discovery responses, as the end resultwould be that “the burden of production [is] shifted to [plaintiff] once defendants movefor summary judgment and properly present plaintiff[’s] factually devoid discoveryresponses.” (Andrews v. Foster Wheeler LLC (2006) 138 Cal.App.4th 96, 106–107.)1Defendants show, and plaintiff does not dispute, that Business and Professions Code section25658 does not create any civil liability in social hosts who provide alcohol to those under 21.(Bass v. Pratt (1986) 177 Cal.App.3d 129, 134.)Defendants already succeed in shifting the burden of production to plaintiff through theirdeclarations. The motion is supported by a declaration from each defendant, negating one ormore required elements of the social host immunity. According to the declarations, (a)none of them provided alcohol to plaintiff, (b) Jason Sr., David, and Desiree were notpresent at the subject property on November 5-6, 2020, and (d) the subject property wasnot the residence of the one defendant on the property at the time of the party, JasonII. The declarations alone, to which there is no objection, are sufficient to shift theburden to plaintiff. Plaintiff presents evidence that he was under the age of 21 onNovember 6, 2020. (See Estrada Decl.) In the opposition filed after being granted acontinence to conduct discovery, plaintiff submits no evidence supporting liability of anydefendant except Jason II. However, plaintiff fails to show the existence of a triable issue of material facts asto one element. Jason II states that on the dates in question, the Subject Premises, E. DakotaAvenue, was not his residence. He also states that he did not furnish plaintiff with alcoholon those dates. Evidence submitted with the opposition shows that Jason II lived at 6 E. DakotaAvenue address. (Exhibit Z, Jason Pritchard II Depo., 13:13-16.) Plaintiff’s UMF mischaracterizes this evidence as Jason II testifying that he“purposefully opened up his residence to provide a location for minors to consumealcoholic beverages.” The testimony cited says nothing of minors or the ages of the“friends”, or even that plaintiff was one of the friends Jason Pritchard II invited. In any case, it is unclear why Jason II would state in his declaration that the SubjectPremises was not his residence, as he stated in a verified discovery response that it was.(See Plaintiff’s Exh. P.) There is clearly a triable issue on this element. But plaintiff also has the burden of proving that each defendant knowingly“furnished” alcoholic beverages to plaintiff. (See Civ. Code, § 1714, subd. (d)(1).) JasonII negates this element by stating in his declaration, “On November 5th and 6th, 2020, Inever furnished, provided, sold, or gave alcohol at the Subject Premises to Plaintiff ISAACAARON CLARK.” (Jason II Decl., ¶ 6.) While Jason II testified that he had friends over on that occasion so they coulddrink, plaintiff does not produce evidence that Jason II personally “furnished” alcoholicbeverages to plaintiff. Jason II stated in response to plaintiff’s discovery that plaintiff andhis friends brought and drank their own alcohol (Exh. Y, p. 7). Plaintiff submits no evidenceto the contrary. Defendants can meet their burden of showing a cause of action has no merit byshowing that one or more elements of the cause of action “cannot be established.” (SeeCode Civ. Proc., § 437c, subd. (p)(2).) Inasmuch as Jason II submits evidence negatingthe “furnishes” element, and plaintiff offers no contradictory evidence, the motion shouldbe granted as to all defendants, including Jason II. There is no need to consider theadditional evidence submitted by defendants with the reply, as the opposition fails toraise a triable issue of material fact as to this element. It is unnecessary to rule on plaintiff’s objections to defendants’ evidence, as thecourt does not rely on any of the evidence to which plaintiff objects. The court sustainsthe objection to paragraph 13 of the Meislin Declaration. Pursuant to California Rules of Court, rule 3.1312(a), and Code of Civil Proceduresection 1019.5, subdivision (a), no further written order is necessary. The minute orderadopting this tentative ruling will serve as the order of the court and service by the clerkwill constitute notice of the order.Tentative RulingIssued By: jyh on 7/8/24 . (Judge’s initials) (Date)


Jorge Mora vs City of Fresno

Jul 10, 2024 |21CECG00602

Re: Mora v. City of Fresno et al. Superior Court Case No. 21CECG00602Hearing Date: July 10, 2024 (Dept. 503)Motion: By Defendant Eusenia Blanco for Terminating SanctionsTentative Ruling: To deny the motion for terminating sanctions. To grant the alternative relief ofevidentiary sanctions. Defendant Eusenia Blanco is directed to file a proposed orderwithin five days of service of this order by the clerk.Explanation: Code of Civil Procedure section 2023.010, subdivision (g) makes “[d]isobeying acourt order to provide discovery” a “misuse of the discovery process,” but sanctions areonly authorized to the extent permitted by each discovery procedure. Once a motion tocompel answers is granted, continued failure to respond or inadequate answers mayresult in more severe sanctions, including evidence, issue or terminating sanctions, orfurther monetary sanctions. (Code Civ. Proc. § 2030.290, subd. (c).) Sanctions for failure to comply with a court order are allowed only where thefailure was willful. (Biles v. Exxon Mobil Corp. (2004) 124 Cal.App.4th 1315, 1327.) If therehas been a willful failure to comply with a discovery order, the court may strike out theoffending party’s pleadings or parts thereof, stay further proceedings by that party untilthe order is obeyed, dismiss that party’s action, or render default judgment against thatparty. (Code Civ. Proc. § 2023.030, subd. (d).) Generally, before imposing a terminating (“doomsday”) sanction, trial courtsshould usually grant lesser sanctions first, such as orders staying the action until the plaintiffcomplies, or declaring the matters admitted if answers are not received by a specificdate. (E.g., Deyo v. Kilbourne (1978) 84 Cal.App.3d 771, 796.) It is only when a partypersists in disobeying the court’s orders that sanctions such as dismissing an action arejustified. The imposition of terminating sanctions is a drastic consequence, one thatshould not lightly be imposed, or requested. (Ruvalcaba v. Government Employees Ins.Co. (1990) 222 Cal.App.3d 1579, 1581.) Terminating sanctions in the first instance may bean appropriate sanction if the abuse of the discovery process is particularly egregious.(R.S. Creative, Inc. v. Creative Cotton, Ltd. (1999) 75 Cal.App.4th 486, 496 [finding thatterminating sanctions were warranted due to forgery and spoliation of evidence].)However, where lesser sanctions have been ordered, such as an order compellingcompliance with discovery requests, and the party persists in disobeying, the party doesso “at his own risk, knowing that such a refusal provided the court with statutory authorityto impose other sanctions” such as dismissing the action. (Id. at p. 1583; see also Todd v.Thrifty Corp. (1995) 34 Cal. App. 4th 986.) Here, on March 6, 2024, the court order plaintiff Jorge Luis Mora (“Plaintiff”) toserved verified responses to interrogatories and requests for production of documentswithin 10 days of the court’s order to defendant Eusenia Blanco (“Defendant”). Thecourt’s order was served on Plaintiff on March 6, 2024. It appears that Plaintiff neverserved verified responses to any of the discovery requests to date. From the above however, there is no clear demonstration of egregious behavior,or any noted interaction between Defendant and Plaintiff since the entry of the order inquestion. Relatedly, there are no clear demonstrations of multiple acts of disobeying orignoring a court order. The court will not issue terminating sanctions in the first instance.However, in light of the present situation, the court finds that evidence sanctions arewarranted for failure to comply with the order on discovery, which constitutes a misuseof the discovery process. (Code Civ. Proc. § 2023.030, subd. (c); id., §§ 2030.300, subd.(e), 2031.310, subd. (i).) Defendant is directed to submit a proposed order imposing evidentiary sanctionsrelated to the interrogatories and requests for production of documents that were thesubject of the March 5, 2024, order of the court. Pursuant to California Rules of Court, rule 3.1312(a), and Code of Civil Proceduresection 1019.5, subdivision (a), no further written order is necessary. The minute orderadopting this tentative ruling will serve as the order of the court and service by the clerkwill constitute notice of the order.Tentative RulingIssued By: jyh on 7/9/24 . (Judge’s initials) (Date)


A. G. vs. Anglican Diocese of San Joaquin

Jul 11, 2024 |21CECG01100

Re: A.G., et al. v. Anglican Diocese of San Joaquin, et al. Superior Court Case No. 21CECG01100Hearing Date: July 11, 2024 (Dept. 503)Motions (x3): by Defendant Jesus Antonio Castaneda Serna for an Order Compelling Responses to 1) Form Interrogatories, Set One; 2) Special Interrogatories, Set One; 3) Request for Production of Documents, Set One; and for Monetary SanctionsTentative Ruling: To deny without prejudice. (Code Civ. Proc., § 1015; Cal. Rules of Court, rule1.21(a).)Explanation: The motions cannot be granted, because the service of the subject discoveryrequests is defective. The proofs of service accompanying the subject discovery requestsindicate that defendant served these requests to plaintiff M.S., directly, instead of servingthem to her counsel of record. (See Exhibit A to the Declarations of Colin Murphy, filedon May 2, 2024.) Service to plaintiff was improper, because when a party is represented,the service must be made on the party’s attorney. (Code Civ. Proc., § 1015; Cal. Rules ofCourt, rule 1.21(a).) Plaintiff M.S. was represented by counsel, Abigail Leaf, at the time the movingdefendant served his discovery requests to plaintiff on September 7, 2022. Although Ms. Leaf filed a motion to be relieved as plaintiff M.S.’s counsel and thatmotion was granted on July 12, 2022, the order granting the motion expressly specifiedthat Ms. Leaf’s withdrawal was effective upon the filing of the proof of service of thesigned order upon the client. The proof of service of the order was not filed until January2, 2024, and thus, Ms. Leaf was plaintiff M.S’s counsel of record until January 2, 2024. Therefore, service of the discovery requests directly on M.S. was defective serviceand the motions to compel discovery responses cannot be granted. Proper service ofthe moving papers of these motions does not cure this defect. Pursuant to California Rules of Court, rule 3.1312(a), and Code of Civil Proceduresection 1019.5, subdivision (a), no further written order is necessary. The minute orderadopting this tentative ruling will serve as the order of the court and service by the clerkwill constitute notice of the order.Tentative RulingIssued By: jyh on 7/10/24 . (Judge’s initials) (Date)


Natasha Smith vs State of California

Jul 11, 2024 |23CECG03598

Re: Natasha Smith v. California Department of Transportation Superior Court Case No. 23CECG03598Hearing Date: July 11, 2024 (Dept. 501)Motion: Defendant City of Fresno’s DemurrerTentative Ruling: To sustain the demurrer to the first cause of action, with leave to amend. To sustainthe demurrer to the second cause of action, without leave to amend. Plaintiff is granted10 days’ leave to file the First Amended Complaint, which will run from service by theclerk of the minute order. New allegations/language must be set in boldface type.Explanation: The function of a demurrer is to test the sufficiency of a plaintiff’s pleading byraising questions of law. (Plumlee v. Poag (1984) 150 Cal.App.3d 541, 545.) The test iswhether plaintiff has succeeded in stating a cause of action; the court does not concernitself with the issue of plaintiff’s possible difficulty or inability in proving the allegations ofhis complaint. (Highlanders, Inc. v. Olsan (1978) 77 Cal.App.3d 690, 697.) In assessing thesufficiency of the complaint against the demurrer, we treat the demurrer as admitting allmaterial facts properly pleaded, bearing in mind the appellate courts’ well establishedpolicy of liberality in reviewing a demurrer sustained without leave to amend, liberallyconstruing the allegations with a view to attaining substantial justice among the parties.(Glaire v. LaLanne-Paris Health Spa, Inc. (1974) 12 Cal.3d 915, 918.) Public entities are not liable for injuries from an alleged act or omission exceptwhere provided by statute. (Gov. Code, § 815; Brenner v. City of El Cajon (2003) 113Cal.App.4th 434, 438.) Claims against public entities must be specifically pled. (Brennerv. City of El Cajon, supra, 113 Cal.App.4th at p. 439.)Dangerous Condition of Public Property Government Code section 835 provides the statutory basis for a claim of adangerous condition on public property. (Gov. Code, § 835; Brenner v. City of El Cajon,supra, 113 Cal.App.4th at p. 438.) The elements for a dangerous condition on publicproperty are: “(1) a dangerous condition existed on the public property at the time ofthe injury; (2) the condition proximately caused the injury; (3) the condition created aforeseeable risk of the kind of injury sustained; and (4) the public entity had actual orconstructive notice of the dangerous condition in sufficient time to have taken measuresto protect against it.” (Brenner v. City of El Cajon, supra, 113 Cal.App.4th at p. 439.) Adangerous condition is one that creates a substantial risk of injury when used with duecare. (Hernandez v. City of Stockton (2023) 90 Cal.App.5th 1222, 1230.) The allegations“must establish a physical deficiency.” (Ibid, emphasis in original.) Here,defendant city asserts that plaintiff has failed to sufficiently plead the dangerouscondition. Plaintiff alleges that the intersection in question was unreasonably anddangerously designed and maintained and lacked sufficient warning signs or hadobstructed warning signs which cumulatively created a “concealed trap”. (Complaint,¶¶ 27, 30.) Here, calling the defect a concealed trap falls short of actually describing thephysical characteristic(s) of the intersection which were dangerous. Additionally, theclaims of dangerous design, maintenance, and issues with warning signs does not clarifywhat the “concealed trap” was at the intersection or how it trapped plaintiff. Calling thedefect a “concealed trap” is a conclusory statement. As such, plaintiff has not sufficientlypled the dangerous condition. The court sustains the demurrer as to the first cause ofaction, with leave to amend.Negligence Under Government Code section 815, public entities are not liable for an injuryexcept where provided by statute. Plaintiff alleges that defendant city is vicariouslynegligent pursuant to Government Code sections 815.2, 815.4, and 820 regarding thedesign and maintenance of the intersection. (Complaint, ¶¶ 36, 38.) These code sectionsprovide for vicarious liability for acts or omissions of public employees (Gov. Code, §§815.2 and 820) and independent contractors (Gov. Code, § 815.4). Government Codesection 815.4 holds public entities liable for acts of independent contractors to the sameextent liability may extend for a public employee. Under the Tort Claims Act, publicemployees are liable based on their act or omissions to the same extent as privatepersons. (Gov. Code, § 820; Zelig v. County of Los Angeles (2002) 27 Cal.4th 1112, 1128.)Such liability “flows from the responsibility of such an entity for the acts of its employeesunder the principal of respondeat superior.” (Zelig v. County of Los Angeles, supra, 27Cal.4th at p. 1128.) Defendant city argues there can be no private liability for public employees forconditions of a roadway. Government Code section 840 provides there is no liabilityagainst public employees for a condition of public property caused by the act oromission of the employee. Additionally, public entity liability for property defects isgoverned by Government Code sections 830 to 835, not the general rules of vicariousliability. (Longfellow v. County of San Luis Obispo (1983) 144 Cal.App.3d 379, 383.) Wherea public employee is immune, the public entity cannot be vicariously liable for saidemployee’s failures to act. (Ibid.) The court sustains the demurrer to this cause of action,without leave to amend. Pursuant to California Rules of Court, rule 3.1312(a), and Code of Civil Proceduresection 1019.5, subdivision (a), no further written order is necessary. The minute orderadopting this tentative ruling will serve as the order of the court and service by the clerkwill constitute notice of the order.Tentative RulingIssued By: DTT on 7/9/2024 . (Judge’s initials) (Date)


E. F. vs. Caruthers Unified School District

Jul 11, 2024 |22CECG03587

Re: E.F. v. Caruthers Unified School District Superior Court Case No. 22CECG03587Hearing Date: July 11, 2024 (Dept. 501)Motion: Petition to Approve Compromise of Disputed Claim of MinorTentative Ruling: To grant. Proposed Orders to be signed. No appearances necessary. The court sets a status conference on October 22, 2024, at 3:30 p.m. in Department501 for confirmation of deposit of the minor’s funds into a blocked account. If petitionerfiles the Acknowledgment of Receipt of Order and Funds for Deposit in Blocked Account(MC-356) at least five court days before the hearing, the status conference will come offcalendar. Pursuant to California Rules of Court, rule 3.1312(a), and Code of Civil Proceduresection 1019.5, subdivision (a), no further written order is necessary. The minute orderadopting this tentative ruling will serve as the order of the court and service by the clerkwill constitute notice of the order.Tentative RulingIssued By: DTT on 7/9/2024 . (Judge’s initials) (Date)


Raymundo Monzon Lopez vs Eric Stine

Jul 11, 2024 |23CECG02228

Re: Raymundo Monzon Lopez v. Eric Stine, et al. Superior Court Case No. 23CECG02228Hearing Date: July 11, 2024 (Dept. 501)Motion: by Plaintiffs for Orders Compelling Defendant Eric Jeffrey Stine to Provide Initial Responses to Form Interrogatories, Set Two; Special Interrogatories, Set Two; Requests for Production of Documents, Set Two; Deeming Matters in Requests for Admissions Admitted, Set Two; and Imposing Monetary SanctionsTentative Ruling: To deny plaintiffs’ motions to compel initial responses to the second set ofdiscovery requests in their entirety, as defendant Stine has now served responses and themotion is therefore moot. To grant sanctions against defendant Eric Jeffrey Stine for theunjustifiable refusal to provide responses to the discovery requests until after the motionsto compel had been filed. Sanctions are in the amount of $1,040.00 and are to be paidwithin 20 calendar days from the date of service of the minute order by the clerk.Explanation: Defendant cites California Rules of Court, rule 3.1348(a), to argue that sanctionsare discretionary if late responses to discovery are served. They are only discretionary asto the requests for interrogatories and production. Regarding the request to deemmatters admitted, “[i]t is mandatory that the court impose a monetary sanction underChapter 7 … on the party or attorney, or both, whose failure to serve a timely responseto requests for admission necessitated this motion.” (Code Civ. Proc., § 2033.280.) Defendant’s excuse for why discovery responses were not provided sooner is nota substantial justification for their untimeliness. Defendant claims that his criminal defensecounsel advised him to not provide information to attorneys involved in the civil actionthat could adversely affect Defendant’s criminal case. This is not sufficient to excusedefendant’s untimely responses. Pursuant to California Rules of Court, rule 3.1312(a), and Code of Civil Proceduresection 1019.5, subdivision (a), no further written order is necessary. The minute orderadopting this tentative ruling will serve as the order of the court and service by the clerkwill constitute notice of the order.Tentative RulingIssued By: DTT on 6/17/2024 . (Judge’s initials) (Date)


Jul 10, 2024 |22CECG02270

Re: J&V Fresno, LLC v. Blunt Superior Court Case No. 22CECG02270Hearing Date: July 10, 2024 (Dept. 501)Motion: by Plaintiff J&V Fresno, LLC, to Enforce SettlementTentative Ruling: To grant the motion to enforce settlement. To grant attorney fees and costs toenforce the settlement agreement in the total amount of $5,785.00. Plaintiff J&V Fresno,LLC is directed to submit to this court, within 10 days of service of the minute orderadopting this tentative ruling, a proposed judgment.Explanation: Code of Civil Procedure section 664.6 provides as follows: “If parties to pendinglitigation stipulate, in a writing signed by the parties outside of the presence of the court. . . for settlement of the case . . . the court, upon motion, may enter judgment pursuantto the terms of the settlement.” It also provides that the parties may request that the court“retain jurisdiction over the parties to enforce the settlement until performance in full ofthe terms of the settlement.” (Code Civ. Proc. § 664.6.) Due to the summary nature of thestatute authorizing judgment to enforce a settlement agreement, strict compliance withits requirements is prerequisite to invoking the power of the court to impose a settlementagreement. (J.B.B. Investment Partners, Ltd. v. Fair (2014) 232 Cal.App.4th 974, 984.) Here, plaintiff submits a writing, signed by the parties, made outside the presenceof the court, and the court has agreed to retain jurisdiction pursuant to the parties’stipulation. (Sarabian Decl., ¶ 3, Exh. 1 and 3.) The agreement contemplated therepayment of certain unpaid balances. (Ibid.) The pertinent terms of the settlement wereas such: 1. The parties were to enter into a New Lease of the premises, naming J&V Fresno, LLC as the landlord and Blunt Man, Inc. as tenant. A copy of the lease was attached and “all of the terms of which are expressly incorporated herein by reference.” 2. Defendant Michael Blunt was to execute a personal guaranty guaranteeing the performance of the corporation on the New Lease. A copy of the guaranty was attached and the terms expressly incorporated into the settlement agreement by reference. 3. The Past Due Rent on the original lease in the amount of $200,000 in rent and CAM charges was to be paid at 8% interest and amortized over a ten-year term with the first payment due on October 15, 2023.(Sarabian Decl., Exh. 1, “Settlement Agreement,” ¶¶ 1-3.) Plaintiff J&V Fresno, LLC, moves to enforce the settlement agreement and theincorporated New Lease and personal guaranty thereof by defendant Michael Bluntafter defendant Blunt Man, Inc. terminated its tenancy under the New Lease in March2024 and Mr. Blunt failed to make payments toward the Past Due Rent after January 2024.Where, as it appears here, the terms of another document are intended to beincorporated by reference and the reference is clear and unequoivocal, the contractmay validly include those provisions. (Weddington Productions, Inc. v. Flick (1998) 60Cal.App.4th 793, 814.) Defendant Blunt argues the judgment cannot be sought against him personallyfor the breach of the lease because Blunt Man, Inc., was party to the lease agreementnot him personally. This argument would have the court disregard the personal guarantyof the new lease signed by Mr. Blunt explicitly stating he is personally liable for paymentsby the corporation and similar language of the settlement agreement (Sarabian Decl.,Exh. 3, “Guaranty of Lease,” p. 2, ¶ 1; Settlement Agreement, ¶ 2.) The language of thecontracts sought to be enforced is clear that the parties intended Mr. Blunt to bepersonally liable for the failure to pay the obligations of Blunt Man, Inc. In a motion to enforce the settlement agreement, and those documentsincorporated therein, the court may enter judgment pursuant to the terms of thesettlement. The judgment sought by plaintiff is supported with evidence and conforms tothe remedies specified within the settlement agreement. There is no clear language with in the settlement agreement or lease as to theremedy for default on the payments of the Past Due Rent. Plaintiff clarifies that thejudgment of the entire balance of the Past Rent Due is not based on terms within thesettlement agreement or lease but is a remedy available under legal principalsapplicable to contracts. (Bowers v. Raymond J. Lucia Companies, Inc. (2012) 206Cal.App.4th 724, 732.) Section 19.2 of the New Lease provides specific calculations of damagesavailable to the landlord in the event of tenant’s breach of the agreement. Plaintiff hassubmitted evidence in support of the estimated vacancy of the property and new leaserate to support the damages requested. (Frechou Decl., ¶¶ 5-9.) Defendant criticizes theevidence as insufficent due to the unique dual character of the property as both a salonand restaurant making it difficult to find comparable properties. However, thedeclaration of commercial realtor Nick Frechou in support of his professional opinionsincludes adequate foundation and explanation for the estimated vacancy and newlease rates. Defendant’s cricicisms of the damage calculations from Certified PublicAccountant Nicholas Georgouses as premised on the unsupported opinions of Mr.Frechou are unwarranted. The judgment sought reflects damages calculated consistent with the terms of thesettlement agreement and both incorporated contracts. As such, the court intends togrant the motion and enter judgment in favor of plaintiff J&V Fresno, LLC, and againstMichael Blunt in the amount of $491.932.00.Attorney’s Fees Plaintiff requests an award of attorney’s fees in connection with this motion as theprevailing party. Counsel attests to having spent twelve hours related to the previousmotion, which was denied without prejudice by the court, an additional seven hourspreparing this second submission and an anticipated five hours preparing a reply andattending the hearing on this motion. Mr. Sarabian bills at a rate of $350 per hour. Thecourt finds it reasonable to award fees for the twelve hours attributed to the currentmotion only, for an award of attorney’s fees in the amount of $4,200. Additionally, plaintiffseeks costs in the amount of $1,585.00 in expert fees incurred related to this motion. Thesecosts are contemplated within the terms of the settlement agreement and are alsoawarded. (Settlement Agreement, ¶ 19.b.) Pursuant to California Rules of Court, rule 3.1312(a), and Code of Civil Proceduresection 1019.5, subdivision (a), no further written order is necessary. The minute orderadopting this tentative ruling will serve as the order of the court and service by the clerkwill constitute notice of the order.Tentative RulingIssued By: DTT on 7/9/2024 . (Judge’s initials) (Date)


Deveny Gonzales vs. Consuelo Contreras

Jul 10, 2024 |23CECG02610

Re: Gonzales v. Contreras Superior Court Case No. 23CECG02610Hearing Date: July 10, 2024 (Dept. 503)Motion: Petition to Approve Compromise of Disputed Claim of MinorTentative Ruling: To continue to Thursday, July 18, 2024, at 3:30 p.m. in Dept. 503, to allow petitionerto address the issues explained below. A supplemental declaration of counsel must befiled by 5:00 p.m. on or before July 15, 2024, The continuance is short due to the 30-daydeadline for the court to rule on the petition, mandated by Probate Code section 3505.If more time is needed, petitioner may call the calendar clerk and request acontinuance, referencing the court’s permission given herein.Explanation: The minor’s medical expenses were covered by Medi-Cal, and yet there is acharge from a provider named “Bacci and Glinn – Movedocs.” None of the recordsattached to the petition reflects services from this provider, nor is there any indication, ifthis entity did perform medical services for the minor, that it did not accept payment fromMedi-Cal. The court is aware that some of the records refer to the minor receivingphysical therapy (e.g., Petn. at .pdf pp. 28, 29, 31), so perhaps this entity provided thisservice. But this is not explained. And, if this is a valid medical provider which did notaccept Medi-Cal payments, petitioner must show proof that this provider agreed to thereduction of its lien as stated on page 5 of the petition. Pursuant to California Rules of Court, rule 3.1312(a), and Code of Civil Proceduresection 1019.5, subdivision (a), no further written order is necessary. The minute orderadopting this tentative ruling will serve as the order of the court and service by the clerkwill constitute notice of the order.Tentative RulingIssued By: jyh on 7/9/24 . (Judge’s initials) (Date)


Celeste Reyes vs. Kamaljit Singh

Jul 11, 2024 |Culver Kapetan, Kristi |23 Unlimited - Other PI/PD/WD |24CECG02875


Maria Hernandes vs. Hiram Mahmoud

Jul 08, 2024 |Skiles, Jon M |46 Unlimited - Uninsured Motorist |24CECG02874


Norma Martin vs. Henry Gatewood

Jul 02, 2024 |Culver Kapetan, Kristi |23 Unlimited - Other PI/PD/WD |24CECG02856


Ayden Smith vs. Fresno Unified School Disctrict

Jul 03, 2024 |Skiles, Jon M |23 Unlimited - Other PI/PD/WD |24CECG02854


Tashawna Bishop vs Joseph Hawkins

Jul 09, 2024 |Hamilton, Jr., Jeffrey Y. |22 Unlimited - Auto |24CECG02909


Norma Martin vs. Henry Gatewood

Jul 02, 2024 |Culver Kapetan, Kristi |23 Unlimited - Other PI/PD/WD |24CECG02856


Rob Harvey vs. City of Fresno

Jul 08, 2024 |Tharpe, D Tyler |35 Unlimited - Other Non-PI/PD/WD Tort |24CECG02878


Security National Insurance Company vs. Shawn Mitchell

Jul 05, 2024 |Tharpe, D Tyler |23 Unlimited - Other PI/PD/WD |24CECG02868

Statement of Evidence - Part 3 - Statement filed May 21, 2019 (2024)


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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

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Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.