Cloud Drive Mapper (CDM) can be easily deployed via Intune, and allows for simple deployment for our Microsoft Endpoint Manager managed devices. As part of this process the downloaded MSI needs to be converted to a .intunewin file for uploading to Intune in Microsoft Endpoint Manager.
To set this up you will need to download the CDM.msi here. Once this has been downloaded you will also need the IntuneWinAppUtil.exe which can be found here.
For this example, we will assume the user, Rob, is performing these tasks from C:\Users\rob\Downloads
- C:\Users\rob\Downloads contains IntuneWinAppUtil.exe
- C:\Users\rob\Downloads containssetupcdmx64.msi
Creating the setupcdmx64.intunewin file
From the command line change the directory to C:\Users\rob\Downloads and verify both files are in this location.
Please note that when running the commands to generate the .intunewin fil, it will include all files in the specified folder. If you have other files in there then they'll need to be removed.
cd C:\Users\rob\Downloads
Run IntuneWinAppUtil.exe , you will see the following
The source folder is C:\Users\rob\Downloads , enter this path and press enter.
Enter setupcdmx64.msi as the setup file and press enter.
The output folder is C:\Users\rob\Downloads , enter this path and press enter
Enter N for the catalog folder and press enter.
You will see a progress bar as the .intunewin file is being created.
When the process is complete, you will see a screen that looks like this
Your folder should now look like this
Substitute C:\Users\rob\Downloads for the path that you want to use
If we want to see how we can use IntuneWinAppUtil.exe type
IntuneWinAppUtil.exe -h
From the output of this we can see a command line method of achieving the above.
IntuneWinAppUtil -c <source_folder> -s <source_setup_file> -o <output_folder> <-a> <catalog_folder> <-q>
So in this example we can achieve this in one line
IntuneWinAppUtil.exe -c C:\Users\rob\Downloads -s C:\Users\rob\Downloads\setupcdmx64.msi -o C:\Users\rob\Downloads
Intune App Creation
Access your Intune environment and go to “Apps” > “All Apps” and select Add
It will them prompt to select an App Type, select “Windows App (Win32)”
From there select the app package file, this is the .intunewin file created in the first section of this guide.
From there fill in the information required and choose next.
Under “Program” settings select your preferred install behaviour. Please refer to this Knowledge Article and this Knowledge Article to advise what parameters to set in the Install command.
An example install command for CDM with a licence key is:
msiexec /i "setupcdmx64.msi" /qn LICENCEKEY=enter licence key from the portal
Please note - this will deploy the licence key to machine level - Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\IAM Cloud\CloudDriveMapper. This will mean that all users on that machine will receive the same mappings.
To deploy the licence key to user level - Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\IAM Cloud\CloudDriveMapper, please see this article.
The full list of msiexec parameters can be found here.
The next section specifies the minimum requirements of the machines the app will be deployed to, attune this to your environment and then select “Next”.
Under “Detection rules” you need to specify the conditions in which the app will deploy. One way to do this is to determine if the file is already installed, if it is then the app will not try to deploy, if it isn’t then the app will attempt to install.
Under “Rules format” select “Manually configure detection rules”, then select "Add - Rule Type:File" and use the below settings:
Simply make sure the “Value” field matches the version of Cloud Drive Mapper you are deploying
The next step of the deployment setup covers “dependencies”, feel free to skip this as Cloud Drive Mapper requires no pre-existing software to be installed.
Skip the Supersedence step.
The final step of the app setup is determining which user groups/devices the app will be deployed to, simply select the AAD user group you wish this to be deployed to.
Once this is configured you should see the CDM app in the list of Apps within Intune, Intune will then attempt an installation after a short period of time.
Updating the App via Intune
The Cloud Drive Mapper will be updated as we add more features, you can update your existing installation of Cloud Drive Mapper by following the below steps.
The first step is to download the latest version of Cloud Drive Mapper, this can always be found here
Secondly, you will need to create the .intunewin package as per normal deployment, the steps to do this are outline under the “Prerequisites” section of this article.
Once this is created navigate to your O365 Endpoint Management console and got to “Apps” > “All Apps”. Open the existing Cloud Drive Mapper App, open “Properties” and select “edit” next to “App Information”.
Next to “Select file to update” you should see your current .intunewin file, click the link and navigate to where you have stored the updated .intunewin file.
This will replace the existing package with the new one, make a note of the new version number in the “App Version” field.
The next step is to navigate to “Detection Rules” and you should see the current detection rule listed, simply click the path and it will open the settings.
From here just update the version number to the new version and select “Review + save”
Intune will now do a check to all user groups/devices Cloud Drive Mapper is assigned to and detect that the current version is now outdated, it will then uninstall the old version and install the new version without any user intervention required.
Please note that, once installed, the application will have to be manually started the first time (Start Menu > Cloud Drive Mapper) or it will auto-run upon the machine being restarted. This is only the case upon the program being initially installed.